Kalamata: Carnival with heavy rain that caused trouble in the show that Tony Wasp had prepared

Under torrential rain, the parade, in her. The weather was not “a colonel” in the 11th Kalamatian Carnival as the parade was held under torrential rain. This however did not in any way deter some 4,000 carnivalists, of all ages, from having fun on the city’s main streets but also the thousands of visitors of the Messene capital to give the present to the city’s central square. This year’s parade was attended by a team from the famous carnival of “Martiniano” from the Greek voices without the lower Italy, namely “Salento”. They were impressed with their handmade masks just before presenting their own event. We also had a presence from Cookery, Bulgaria, for the second time they were impressed with their uniforms. Presenter of the 11th Kalamatian carnival was Tony Sfinos, however his concert scheduled immediately after the parade was cancelled due to technical problems arising from the rain. See the pictures of best-tv… The fun continues, however, at this time, at an unabated rate in the restaurants and recreation shops of the city of Kalamata.