“Just for the Love…” of the composer Dimitris Μαραμή

The Cultural Centre of the Region of Central Macedonia and the Thematic Αντιπεριφέρεια of Tourism and Culture of the Region of Central Macedonia organised by the recital of songs…
“Just for the Love…” of the composer Dimitris Μαραμή the monument to the Rotunda, Wednesday 18 January 2017 and time: 20:00
Natassa Mare Μουμτζίδου and Theodore Βουτσικάκης
Cello: Stella Τέμπρελη
on the piano the composer
The composer Dimitris Maramis, with the melodic writing, the lyricism and sensitivity of the and material diamonds of the Greek poetry creates an evocative atmosphere, a game ίσκιων and whispers, and emotional κορυφώσεων and eruptions of passion on the other. The poetic writing is unlocked with the sounds of music and returns to the today by expressing, once again, the thirst for hope, love, and love.
Main protagonists are the Costas C. Kariotakis, Maria Polydouri, Napoleon Λαπαθιώτης and poets of the last few decades as Nikos Alexis Aslanoglou and Michalis Ganas. Different temperaments, different worlds who share a common fate, and the romance in a time of dead end. However, love is the hive, the healing and redemption of these authors. The power of love and the message of this music show.
Two excellent singers, two unique soulful and velvety voices, the Natassa Mare Μουμτζίδου and Theodore Βουτσικάκης will be the two performers in the presentation of the songs, the μελοποιημένων poems of the board. Μαραμή.
Dimitris Maramis studied piano and composition at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Britain. He has collaborated with cultural institutions such as: National Opera, National Theatre, Etc.Th.B.E., Camerata, the Athens concert Hall, Thessaloniki, greece, onassis (a Greek Design), etc. He has presented his work abroad: The.E.A. Britain, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and will present new projects in Belgium (Brussels) and Luxembourg in 2017. He has released eight solo albums: The Sonnets of Dark Love, Sundays in the Winter, Dark Love, Scenes from a Silent Movie, Tango for Three, Ay Amor, Emotional Age, and the Magical world of Φεδερίκο. He has collaborated recording with Mario Frangoulis, Maria Farantouri, Zachariah Καρούνη, Theo, Th and others. He has written music for forty theatrical performances as a now, for cinema and for educational television. Has been awarded for the theatrical music composed in the show Erotokritos 2011 directed by Stathis Livathinos.
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