It’s official: Canada has sold all the gold reserves of the

At this time the state of Canada has been reset, the amount of gold that he has in his possession. The government of Canada sold the last 21.851 ounces of gold in February.
On 29 February at the… vault Canada were just 77 ounces of gold, the value of which is set to 1.234,90 dollars an ounce.
On the substance, the possession of Canada in gold is zero, since the reserves are calculated in millions of dollars and at this point, Canada has 95.000 dollars in gold.
“The gold reserves of Canada belong to the canadian government under the Finance minister,” noted a representative of the Bank of Canada on Wednesday. “Any decisions related to the gold taken by the minister of Finance added the spokesman.
According to Ian Lee, an economist of the Sprott School of Business at the University of Carleton, Ottawa has not been any real reason to continue to hold the gold reserves of, in addition to the observance of the tradition of countries have gold in their possession.
The movement of the sale of the stock, according to sources, the government is not linked to the current price of gold, but based on μακροπρόθεσθο design.
Already since 1971, the president of the united states, Richard Nixon abolished the “golden rule”, by disconnecting the dollar from gold.