Italy: Grandmother 104 years old caught driving without a license and insurance because she wanted to go to her friends

A 104-year-old caught driving without a license in the night and without insurance, as she decided she wanted to visit friends near Ferrara. The carabinieri did not believe in their eyes when at 01:00 at night Sunday night to Monday 11 March they saw the elderly leading to the community of Bondeno in northern Italy. Initially, they received a call for dangerous driving in downtown Bondeno, a community of 13,000 inhabitants in Emilia Romana. The patrol that reached the point quickly spotted that car. But the surprise of the carabinieri was great when they discovered the date of birth of the driver: 1920, that was 104 years old, but still able to sit at the wheel and drive to Bondeno to see her friends. Due to the late hour, the senior who was driving although her diploma expired two years ago, she was disoriented and was constantly passing the same streets. In Italy, after 80, drivers must visit a doctor every two years to renew their diploma. The carabinieri only made an oral reprimand to the overage and accompanied her home. She’s not ready to stay at home at all, despite her adventure: “I will buy Vespa or scooter,” said Giuseppe Molinari or “Jose” caressfully, speaking to the local newspaper La Nuova Ferrara. Meanwhile, he’s riding a bike. Mayor Ferrara: Give her a medal instead of a fine The story of the dynamic elderly challenged the admiration of the mayor of Ferrara, Alan Fabri, who comes from Bodeno: “I would give her a medal instead of a fine. Having such internal power is not common and gives me hope for my own old age,” he wrote on his Facebook page.