It is finally the high-heeled shoe, a sign of youth?

Writes the designer: Stathis Σαμαντάς
The truth is that fashion is aimed at young women. Although there is a large list of wealthy clients…
older which go in the salons of designers and support them financially with their purchases, but the image of the catwalk and the ad campaigns are full of new and fresh girls aged up to twenty years old.
The necessary condition for a dress with a deep neckline, a skirt with a strong tear, or even a simple silk t-shirt is the young and firm flesh without the sagging and the wrinkles of time. As more news is a woman, the more easily can experiment with clothes but also with the height of the heel. Although there are young women who can’t high heels the difference with the older ages is that they don’t have a choice since there are specific physical issues that don’t allow you to ride in a pair of high heels more than five centimeters. I find it very reasonable and I don’t judge. I’m simply describing the reality. Where I want to focus is the following.
A woman with a nice body, although it has the ability to show it, but is it really mandatory? That is, it loses something if you don’t do it? Is the nudity necessary component of youth it? If a woman with a nice chest, not the raise in his youth means that he has lost something from the youthful years? And the opposite is true. If a woman does not put her body in her youth, if a greater age is holding up really well, means I can still be walking around with intense cleavage? It is the nakedness, a sign of youth?
A woman who in her youth was wearing high-heeled shoes with the passage of time began to slowly leave it aside and choose more easily heights. High-heeled shoes once ανόρθωναν the legs and buttocks, making at the same time the leg is longer, leaving the men’s minds to direct erotic short films within those few seconds that lasted the passage from in front of them. Now these shoes are left at the end and the more classic designs have taken their place in the shoe without the slightest element of sexuality to a pair of χωστές pumps with a heel of five inches. It is finally the high-heeled shoe, a sign of youth?
The sexy dresses, cleavage revealing, young flesh, the tight chest, the high heels that make the buff calves and hips moving to the rhythm of 7,8 on the Richter scale may be signs of youth, but all of this means the following very simple.
Sex. There are targeting all of them. Sex means youth, means life. Sex unites what flesh, shows us that we are alive, in sex we become one with something else also alive. Another human being. It is a carnal communication. The man is a social being. We need to communicate to live. The man is afraid that if she quit from all this, out of the love game, so it’s not any more likeable, so it’s not any more desirable, so it’s only on the edge. The change in the way of dress of a woman and in the choice of most χαμηλοτάκουνων shoe, automatically it’s like getting in a a-sexual category.
But most women who are struggling to show new, aim at it. To be able to maintain their body in a good condition to continue to wear the clothes you want, without having the stress of old age, which will disallow them to wear the tight dress which they wore a decade ago. It is good to look after oneself as long as not ridiculed. There is mental communication, also very strong and the carnal. I would say even more. Because when the sex goes, the feeling is always there. Always. The feeling is the only thing that doesn’t age. Matures.

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