Isabella Fulop: Beauty shouldn’t matter, it’s me that I’m confined

‘ I do not think that she should play a role in our work” points out, among other things, the . On the occasion of participation in Alpha’s “Consect of Julia”, Isabella Fulop was invited to the set of the show “Better not done” at noon on Sunday (24.03.2024) where she was placed, among other things, for the obstacles that bring about a beautiful outdoor appearance. “Good or bad for sure beauty plays a role. Look, if you ask me, I don’t think it should play a part. At least in our work, because the actor means that he can be transformed into any role assigned to him” the young actress first confessed. “I personally have been restricted by beauty and have been harmed, as many times as I have been told this as an excuse or as a real reason, because I think our work is something other than appearance. Appearance is something made” Isabella Fulop also added. “We see, let’s say, Christina Maxouri in the series she transforms and becomes a completely different person. I say one example from our series, there are so many more while abroad I don’t discuss it and I don’t even compare it.”

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