ISA asks private doctors to provide their medical services to NIS hospitals

The Athens Medical Association ( ) by letter to the Minister of Health, Adoni Georgiadis, asks for the equality and equivalence between his doctors and free doctors. In his letter, the ISA regarding the equivalence between the physicians of the NSA and the free doctors states: ‘ Through our letter we wish to give you our views on Article 7 of the new law of the Ministry of Health entitled “Public Health Actions – Arrangements for strengthening the National Health System”. The above provision of the possibility of performing a private work of doctors of the National Health System, for which we have stated our views, should also apply in the opposite direction, taking appropriate care for private freelance doctors who wish to offer their medical services to the hospitals of the NSO. The permanent position of the Athens Medical Association is that all doctors serving both in the Public Sector and private freelancers are equal to their science. We have stressed this many times on the issue of the equivalence of medical certificates. Therefore, we believe that, for reasons of equality and equality, provision should be made for this and that private doctors should also be given the opportunity to provide their medical services to the NSO Hospitals, as freelancers, thereby enhancing better service for citizens’.