Is there a proper age for orthodontic treatment?

Writes Panagiotidis Georgios
What is the proper time to wear braces? What about adults who want to correct their teeth…
For the start of the orthodontic treatment there is no appropriate age. There’s just the right time (timing). To be more precise, let’s see first what is orthodontics and what ages provide better services. The Greek term Orthodontics that has prevailed and internationally, is incomplete, because it describes the science that deals only with the proper position of the teeth, while this deals with the relations of the jaws. The teeth can be moved at any age, as long as these and tissues that support them, i.e. the gums, is in good condition. Therefore, the dental problems are treated at all ages. Orthodontics, however, as mentioned, fixes the relations of the jaws and this can be done only in ages in which there is still development of the οδοντογναθικού system, i.e. till the age of 13-14 years.
At older ages the γναθικά problems are fully addressed only with the cooperation of orthodontics and surgery. Pediatricians in principle are the ones who see first if there is a need for referral to an orthodontist. In very rare cases, such as clefts (e.x. λαγώχειλος or cleft palate) treatment should be started from the first days of life of the patient. In less rare cases, such as prognathism of the lower jaw, starts at the age of 5-6 years, depending on the degree of cooperation of the child is necessary. The majority of treatments start between 8-10 years of age and it is done with removable orthodontic braces (mouth guards, εξωστοματικά etc.p.), especially when coexist and γναθικά problems. It’s wrong that it is necessary to have changed, previously all the children’s teeth.
Permanent orthodontists mechanisms (braces) are around 10-11, and the treatment is completed after 1-2 years. Orthodontic treatment, however, does not necessarily mean dentures or braces. It is known, moreover, that prevention is the best cure. A first visit to the orthodontist should definitely be at the age of 5-6 years. At this age, a simple advice may be sufficient for the prevention of orthodontic problems. The orthodontist will help in overcoming bad habits(breast-feeding fingers, biting pencils etc.e.) or malfunctions, and will refer in a timely manner to doctors of other specialties such as (a)to a pediatric dentist for fillings or an early removal of some deciduous tooth (b) in the Oh.R.L. in the case of oral breathing or hypertrophic tonsils, or (c) in the speech therapist when there is disruption of the speech.
It is very important so the treatment to be done at the appropriate time without the irreversible consequences of a delay, but not too early with the result that last for many years, and may be unnecessarily tedious for all and especially for the child.For adult patients who did not timely treatment not lost the opportunity. The teeth, as αναφέρθηκ,e moved to all ages. Today there are invisible ways of treatment with transparent aligners or mechanisms placed on the back surface of the teeth (lingual braces) and for this not seem. Not so there are the excuses of the appearance that, until today, were barriers to making such an important decision for therapy in old age.

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