Is in danger in jail because he gave the dog the name of a president

Even to go to jail is in danger of a Nigerian because he decided to baptize his dog …
“Bukhari”, i.e. with the name of the president of Nigeria. The same Τζοακίμ Iroko defending, even now, fully the choice of: “has the right to baptize his dog as he likes,” said his lawyer, asking for the discharge of his client.
According to the counsel of Iroko, “the name that belongs exclusively to the president (Μουχαμαντού) Bukhari, it is just a name that can be given to any living creature”.
However, the justice does not share this view and κυνόφιλος Iroko is faced with the system of justice is facing a class that acts could disrupt public order.
According to the police of the land of Shogun, the dog’s owner had written the name on the animal, not to make fun of the president but to hurt his neighbor, which is also called Bukhari. “This story has nothing to do with the president”, – stressed the representative of the police Μουγίβα Αντετζόμπι.
The Iroko is on trial tomorrow.

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