Invitation to the Workshop “Attempted Social”

SciFY invites you,
Wednesday 23 November, at 19.00, in the Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Technopolis of the…
Municipality of Athens – PROJECT, invite you to the 15th SciFY Academy with the topic: Tried Social. Social Impact: Do the first steps. SciFY Academy is open to any interested party a number of presentations, from the non-profit organization in Greece, for the free diffusion of knowledge.
The month of November, SciFY Academy focuses on social entrepreneurship and how this can become a reality in today’s Greece. Mrs. Matina Kanaki, supporter of social entrepreneurship, is one of the most active people in the scene and undertakes to introduce us to the concepts of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Impact.
Primary purpose of the workshop is, on the one hand to understand the terms, the concepts, the values of social economy and entrepreneurship, on the other hand, to process and analyze the contexts in which an idea can be transformed into a sustainable social enterprise, exploring good and substantial examples.
The second and main part of the event, our aim is to see our idea in practice. So you will be given the opportunity to understand what it is and how it is applied in practice, the theory, around a κοινωνικήπρόσκληση, and through discussion, to resolve any questions related to the operational plan. In particular, we will have the opportunity νασχεδιάσουμε the first steps for the implementation of our own social initiative. This effort will help experienced advisors (mentors), ready to share the knowledge and experience.
The aim of the event is to provide services that include support for the design/implementation of innovative social products/services, the structuring of the business idea and the development of the first critical step towards business development and the shaping of the social footprint, a social enterprise in order to maximise the impact of our work and the viability of incorporating good practices. While those who have already been involved in such an initiative, will have the opportunity to redesign the operation, to increase the social impact and support in areas that interest them. Finally, our aim is leaving the lab to have a practical tool for the implementation or the optimization of our own social initiative.
The event is open to young people Young people who now plan their professional career, to Executives who have lost their jobs, Professionals who want to redirect their action, with the basic premise to be puzzled and interested in resolving social issues and mainly to feel the need and the mood to design and develop a social initiative, creating their own Social Enterprise and an end to those who wish to get to know other people and partners to develop networking in the ecosystem of Social Entrepreneurship.
Admission free ‐ registration here.