Indication sugar the midday sleep?

The siesta lasts more than an hour a day may…
is a warning sign that a person is suffering from type 2 diabetes, report Japanese scientists.
Analyzing data from more than 300,000 volunteers, the researchers concluded that people who regularly sleep too long at noon, have 45% more likely to develop or already suffer from the disease.
As the διαβητολόγος dr. Yamada Τομοχίντε, a researcher in the Department of Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases, University of Tokyo, at the annual congress of the European association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) held in Munich, sleep is equally important for the preservation of health with careful diet and regular exercise.
However, many people do not get enough sleep at night, either because of a busy lifestyle, or because they are experiencing sleep disorders, and many are trying to make up for the lost sleep, tending to sleep during the day, usually at noon or early afternoon.
Dr. Τομοχίντε and his colleagues wanted to investigate if this habit can affect the metabolic health of the organism and to what extent.
So, they analyzed a combination of 21 previous clinical studies in which they had participated 307.237 volunteers, finding that those who slept less than 60 minutes every day at lunchtime, not at someone increased metabolic risk, in contrast with those who have been sleeping for more than 60 minutes.
The researchers don’t know exactly how correlated the meridian sleep with type 2 diabetes, but a possible explanation is sleep apnea: people with a weight problem, which are the main risk group for type 2 diabetes, often have apnea when they sleep at night consistently to have drowsiness in the day.
Sleep apnea itself also increases the risk of diabetes, while the sleepiness that characterizes it can push sufferers to sleep a lot at midday, after they are tired.
Another possibility is people who sleep a lot at noon, you are tired because you don’t get enough sleep the night – and the lack of sleep is a well documented fact that leads to the stress and the consumption of unhealthy food also are a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
There is also the case of those who manifest intense drowsiness during the day, to be less healthy, or are in the early stages of diabetes.
Anyway, “there are now a lot of scientific evidence linking sleep disorders with diabetes and it is likely that the factors leading to the increased blood sugar be responsible for the increased meridian’s sleep,” commented dr. Navid Σάταρ, professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
“However, you should conduct appropriate studies to verify this,” he added.