Incredible! Those arrested in the coup d’état in Turkey… I don’t fit in the courtrooms

Turkey may need to construct new courtrooms to handle all the thousands of prosecutions relating to the failed coup attempt…
of July, said today the minister of Justice, Bekir Μποζντάγ, as the number of detainees has reached over 32,000.
The authorities have remand or dismiss people from the local government, the military, the media and the judiciary and have asked the US to extradite the ex-preacher Φετουλάχ Γκιουλέν, which accuse that organized the failed coup attempt.
“We will build new courtrooms in accordance with the needs,” said Μποζντάγ the private television network NTV.
He added he does not expect to conduct mass trials, with “thousands of defendants” and stated that some of the over 32,000 persons detained for relations with the Γκιουλέν can be released as progress is made in the legal process. He clarified that the trials will be held in many cities of Turkey.
U.s. officials have promised that they will respond to the request for the issuance of the Γκιουλέν in a couple of days, said even the Μποζντάγ.

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