Incredible! They discovered the secret of genius

A group of American scientists discovered what is the key of genius…
For several years have studied the brain structure of people with high intelligence and have reached interesting conclusions.
It was discovered that the really smart ideas come to those people who think slowly.
The time of the thinking areas of the brain, responsible for visual perception and sensory information in a high degree of concentration of molecules of NAA.
These molecules are responsible for the originality of thought and creative solutions.
The molecular motion of the NAA in people with a high IQ is slower than in those with lower intelligence.
Scientists have described the process of production of innovative ideas. Due to some structural characteristics of their brains, the highly intelligent people think more slowly than others, but almost always find a unique solution to a specific problem.
A scientific genius like Albert Einstein was famous for the slowness of his thinking. He used to think for hours for every issue, and the results we know.