Incredible! Pot charges your mobile phone through photosynthesis! [video]

The issue of energy in smartphones and tablets (and not only) is something that preoccupies many people. At times we see …
several innovative ideas for batteries and charging methods that promise to revolutionize and change everything that we know.
Another idea is the Bioo Lite, a pot for flowers, through which users can charge their mobile. The project entered for funding on Indiegogo, where it asks for funding of 15,000 euro, has managed to reach the 38.483 euro and it remains one month until it expires.
The creators of the Bioo Lite report that the plant is inside the pot is not affected at all. On the inside of the pot has been placed a system of which draws energy from the process of photosynthesis and then transfer it to mobile to charge. The plant does nothing more than the necessary procedure to live.
Externally, the pot doesn’t look like technological gadgets, while to charge your cell phone just need a USB cable as is done with ordinary chargers.


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