In the trash and the dirt, and without permission of the central playground in Igoumenitsa

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness.And if this is the case, then the responsibility of the Municipal Authority of Igoumenitsa, and only as…
lords could not be classified. The images you sent us indignant parent, who tried to entertain children in the main playground Igoumenitsa, speak for themselves.
The playground and the games are abandoned, ελλοχεύοντας risks to the physical safety of small children.The trash is scattered throughout the playground. It’s not enough that the playground Igoumenitsa is not licensed and would have to be sealed, the indifference of the Municipal Authority Lolos, causes and the most benevolent.
Deputy mayor responsible for cleaning mr. Elias Λώλης, instead of doing his job, which pays him the citizen of Igoumenitsa, deals with the εσωκομματικές party elections.And the height of hypocrisy is that mr. mayor is a candidate for section chief of Culture of the ΝΟΔΕ New Republic. Such a culture will not sustain Elijah.

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