In the line of National Understanding Karamanlis Stylianides – The unifying message

There are more and more voices in the New Republic that put an agenda different from that of the permanent drum of war…
The Evripidis Stylianidis, a former member of Rodopi and former minister of Education, and with the capacity as professor of Constitutional Law, knowing very well the national issues, in an interview with the RES upgrades (and that) the dialogue at the national level and not at the partisan.
Separates always the attitude and position of the south-west of SYRIZA by saying that: “it Is understandable that we can’t agree on a lot with SYRIZA … however I believe that big issues can be a point of meeting, with the goal of national and social interest”. The example of Cyprus and other countries who have entered and exited the Memoranda are well known and the recipe of success was the abandonment of the fanaticism of the critical national moments.
Euripides Stylianides, back to the need for the formation and implementation of National Development Plan, of all the Greeks and not of a party, i.e., a plan that has political substance and not technocratic.
The message of Kostas Karamanlis
Euripides Stylianides, is the everyday partner, and a friend of former Prime minister Kostas Karamanlis. For Kostas Karamanlis, says the former minister: “the role of the has ceased to be party-political, it is a national and unifying”, reminding him of the attitude of the referendum and the catalytic role played by this, for the final decisions of Alexis Tsipras, so that the NO in Europe to be converted to YES.
The SW special pulitzer prize in the last national elections in September 2015, with the key policy position of the National Consultation to large national and critical national issues, the creation of a National Development Plan with the participation of more parties and all social partners and with line of defense against lenders National Negotiating Team. The SW of September 2015, with this political agenda against the populism of SYRIZA (and while it had not yet implemented their destructive measures and the sell-off of Greece) managed to rally broader social groups by touching 29%, having overcome the very bad performance of the referendum and having all the specifications to win back the Greeks on the basis of National Unity and not of division.
Euripides Stylianides, carrying messages, and the same of Kostas Karamanlis, puts re, dynamically the demand for political consensus on key issues of National strategy, in order to get Greece out of the maze of the recession.
The time given to this interview, it’s not random and as far as the National issues. Kostas Karamanlis, two weeks ago he predicted the political tension that will follow the Turkey. It is clear, that those who have aspirations of economic and territorial of the fall of Greece, the attempt and/or succeed because they see our country poor and divided.
The Greeks are unable to make use of the priceless wealth, why don’t they go out of the political stalemate. You need to follow a different path, that of the union! This is the message of Kostas Karamanlis, this time by the mouth of Euripides Stylianides, recalling the founding principles and values of the party, the anniversary of 42 years, stated loudly and firmly, long before Greece entered the poisonous Memorandum.
“The Center-Right”