If you have safe deposit boxes in a bank, then that’s what you are interested in…

Electronic seizure of the content of bank safes and…
brokerage accounts provides for the design of the SG Public Revenue, which was published in
Thursday by George Πιτσιλή.
According to the Daily, within one month from the enactment of the relevant legislative provisions, the relevant departments will initiate all the movements to be committed to the content of safes and brokerage accounts for the repayment of debts of debtors Public.
Bank officials estimate that in lockers are located at this time deposits as 10 billion. euro. There is considered to be that headed the 25% effluent 40 billion. euro from the beginning of the year.
The banks have approximately 325,000 lockers, of which 60%-70% is leased. It is estimated that the Alpha has 150.000 lockers, Eurobank of 30,000, the National 75,000 and the Piraeus of 70,000.
Today, opening of safes provided for only on orders of the prosecutor and seizing of their content with the decision of the IRS. Also, in accordance with the tax code – in cases of large tax evasion can be committed, 50% of the contents of the boxes – cash and valuables.

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