How will you identify the “toxic” partner…

The Τσαδαρη Kon/mind Coach
You will certainly have heard the term “toxic”. What exactly does that mean, and how can one toxic player can affect the climate of a group of…
Below you will see 7 signs that distinguish a toxic teammate from the rest,
First of all, people think that they have excellent knowledge of the sport both on a technical and theoretical level when they consider and secure their place in the team.
Want to always be in the spotlight
The toxic players are seeking attention and will do anything to acquire it in any form. Can pretending to be so good to pay attention, or the victims, and even negative attention satisfies their purpose.
Is impulsive with repeated bad behavior
Toxic players tend to be impulsive, not thinking about the result of their decisions, instead acting in the heat. The problem is that often the impulsive behavior throws the psychology of the group and creates rifts
They blame others for their mistakes
It is always the fault of someone else, usually blame others and rarely accept responsibility for their actions.
They play for themselves
During a game playing for them and the podium, ignoring the overall effort
Are bad listeners
Consider that they know everything do not pay attention to the suggestions of the Coach are either in training or during a game
It is arrogant
There’s a big difference between confidence and arrogance. The confidence is inspiring, arrogance is frightening. The cocky players always know best and feel superior to the other.
Is jealous
It is never satisfied and happy. We’re talking about the player who not only can feel joy for the successes of others, but I don’t even want to has been around the best from him
What is the solution? First, we strive ….. then… if we fail the only thing we can do is to… get them off the team.
The toxic teammates, “poison” the athletic rivalry slowly but steadily.
And the removal is the best protection not only for the team but also for the health of all involved .
They say that if you see a man who has a great idea for himself, to be sure that this is the only great idea that never crossed his mind.