How the exemption from the drugs that brought a total transformation

A man from the USA posted on the internet the incredible photos of her sister, which she was addicted to meth and has managed to stay “clean” for 90 days.
In the “before,” the young woman looks very skinny, and pale while in the “after” looks like it has more healthy weight, her hair is brown and her skin is much more radiant.
“Inspired by another user I present to you my sister. Is 90 days clean from crystal meth,” he wrote, raising the photos on Reddit.
“I had to intervene as a family, she agreed to go to rehab. There are a lot of good parts but it’s very expensive,” he replied to another user who asked him how was the road of addiction.
“We put in a 30 day program and is now living with us and helping to return to normal life”.