How much sugar can be detrimental to the brain

We all know that soft drinks are fattening and destroy the health of our teeth, but a new study in rats sheds light on how much damage they can do sodas and, more generally, the sugar in our brain.
The changes that have resigned in the area of the brain that controls emotional behavior and cognitive function, were more extensive than those caused by the intense stress.
It is known that the intense stress or abuse from an early age, increase the risk of poor mental health and psychiatric disorders.
The number of traumatic events to which they may be exposed to a child (accidents, injuries, bereavement, natural disasters, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, domestic violence) are associated with increased concentrations of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Experiments in rats examined whether the effect of stress on the brain at a young age, worsened by drinking large quantities of soft drinks then weaning.
The changes in the brain caused by the sugar, are of great concern, in particular when there is high sugar consumption in children aged 9 to 16 years of age.

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