How much did they cost in the industry of smartphones, the “monkey” phones

The amount lost to the legitimate industry smartphones around the world, in 2015, due to counterfeiting amount to…
45,3 billion. euro.
This emerges from a new study of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM – EUIPO), the largest service of Intellectual Property of the EU, which was held in cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
As stated in the study, it is estimated that they sold 184 million smartphones less than those sold by the legal industry in 2015, due to the presence of counterfeit products in the market.
So, according to the calculations of the study, the 2015 lost 12.9% of legitimate sales of smartphones around the world, due to the presence of παραποίησεων/απομίμησεων in the market, which is equivalent to 45,3 billion.
The report analyses the number of smartphones sold in 90 countries in every region of the world, on the basis of point-of-sale monitoring of consumer markets.
2015, 1.3 billion smartphones were sold around the world, which means that approximately one in six people on the planet bought a smartphone in that year, with an average cost of 275 euro.
In the European Union, 150 million devices sold in 2015, one for every three citizens of the EU. The effect of counterfeiting in the EU-28 countries is estimated at 14 million devices in 2015, which corresponds to 8.3% of sales in the industry, or eur 4.2 billion.
Based on the available data, for other regions, in Africa is lost 21.3% of sales due to counterfeiting, to 19.6% in Latin America, 17.4 percent in the arab countries, 15,6% in China, 11.8% in the Asia-Pacific region and 7.6% in North America for 2015. China accounts for one-third of the loss in total revenue worldwide in the field of smartphones.
“The Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (EUIPO), through the studies and our analyses, we build a picture of how counterfeiting and piracy affect key economic sectors. This is the first study in this series, which analyzes a domain both within and outside the EU. The estimate that 12.9% of the legitimate sales of smartphones were lost worldwide in 2015, can act as a strong message for policy-making, as well as for all those working to combat counterfeiting around the world,” said director-general of the EUIPO António Campinos.