How gross is the water of the pool?

Can outside it’s cloudy, to wear even the cardigans and drinking hot coffee but that we wait anxiously for the coming of…
of the summer because we got soaked by the rain and need some sun and heat.
Above all, of course, we want to come to the days of hanging out in a pool bar, hanging out with the big hat and a cold beer.
How clean is the water of the pool? Did you eventually make the need for many more people than we think? According to a research done by the Environmental Science and Technology Letters, it is actually more.
The researchers gathered a sample of 31 different swimming pools and a hot tub, and discovered traces of urine in ALL. As noted by the Guardian, the results showed that there were elevated levels of ακεσουλφαμικού potassium, which is a sweetener component that is used among other things in soft drinks, beverages and yogurts. And how did this get in the pool? Yes, they left a memento of the swimmers and in accordance with the numbers of the research in each pool there are about 30 liters of urine. Of course, this does not mean that we should not get into the pool, but to visit swimming pools that you know that they are cleaned properly and respected the rules of hygiene.

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