How do I get rid of the fat accumulation in the belly?

The accumulation of fat in the abdomen is undesirable for most of us, mainly for aesthetic reasons — Beyond these, however, there are serious health grounds associated with increased accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Let’s take things from the beginning…
Normally in our body there is the so-called subcutaneous fat, which lies under the skin and visceral fat, which accumulates in the deeper parts of the body and around the various organs.
Visceral fat is necessary, as it insulates and protects our organs, however the excessive build-up seems to be detrimental.
Many studies have correlated the increased fat accumulates in the abdomen with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and many kinds of cancer.
But when the abdominal fat can be dangerous?
There are many ways to determine the fat. A very simple way to see if it runs none of the risks associated with the accumulation of fat in the abdomen is the measurement of waist circumference. For women, the waist circumference should be less than 88 cm, while for men less than 102 cm. But we have to take into account the body type of each person. If you are going to build, “apple”, where the waist circumference is greater than the circumference of the hips, then runs no greater risk in relation to the body type “pear” shape, where the circumference of the hip is greater in relation to the circumference of the waist.
What can we do to reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area;
• Proper diet. When we talk about proper diet, we don’t mean or crash diets, or “magic” herbs, pills, juices and “go to aa meetings” that promise a “middle-ring”. Proper diet means quality food choices with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, legumes, good fats found in olive oil, fish and nuts. When there is excess body weight, then we’re trying to reduce reducing mild portions of food and increasing physical activity.
• Physical activity. Exercise plays a key role in the reduction of waist circumference. At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week is the appropriate recommendation. So we find the type of exercise that pleases us, but at the same time it makes us to sweat and increase the pace of our breathing, and forms part of our daily program.
• Good sleep and stress reduction. Together with the above-mentioned factors, a calm sleep duration of 6-7 hours, in combination with a tranquil way of life can contribute significantly to the prevention of fat accumulation in the belly.

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