How did the school study at home?

As the school year is just around the corner everyone’s thinking about…
parents and children, that the loaded program will require several hours of study at home, something that pleases nobody.
However whose idea was it for children to do homework at home, write their homework, and reading beyond the time they spend on study in school? Probably, this idea belongs to the Italian educational Roberto Nevilis, which, as it is called, gave it to his disciples to do work at home as a kind of punishment for those who were unruly in the class.
Like this that’s established over the centuries and has today reached a key work of the students. According to the American Brookings Institute, in 1900, Edwark Bok, the editor of a newspaper for women, published an article entitled “A national crime at the feet of parents, accusing the educational system and parents for the study of students at home, claiming that children the time that you need to play and to do other creative things, as this destroys their mental health.
The article had so much resonance that it started strongly, the question of school work in the home, but only in 1957, so Russia launched the Sputnik, and the Americans felt that American kids were falling behind in the learning.
Like this, it’s full again by the time of pupils outside of school, although there are many who argue that this is beneficial for children, since it helps to consolidate the material, but and parents to know exactly what the children are learning in school.