How chronic prostatitis affects the sex life of men

High is the proportion of chronic prostatitis who have psychological problems because of their illness. The most common are anxiety and depression. They can’t think of anything other than pain and feel helpless because of its prolonged duration. They often despair because of their inability to control him, as well as the other symptoms he causes. The condition often has an impact on the sexuality of men. Pain has been found to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse to 85% of patients, since men with chronic prostatitis have less desire, more erection problems and reduced sexual satisfaction, as reported in an Australian study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Pain. It is necessary, therefore, to apply treatments to address the chronic pain it causes, but also to reduce stress and negative mood practices, so that patients can enjoy a better quality of life. “Prostatitis is the most common urinary system disease in men under 50 years of age and the third most common urinary system for older people. It is a painful condition that involves inflammation of the prostate and sometimes the areas around it. There are three forms of it that cause symptoms and require treatment. The two are acute and chronic prostatitis caused by infection of the prostate by bacteria (bacterial prostatitis). Both are treated with antibiotics. The third is chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is the most frequent and less understandable of science, because its causes are unclear. Researchers consider it due to either an unspecified infection or pelvic/natal trauma. Interaction between endocrine and nervous systems is likely to play a role in the timing of symptoms. Recently, those who support the psychological aetiology of the condition are increasing,” explains Surgeon Andrologist Urologist Dr. Anastasios Livianos. It causes a series of symptoms dominated by the pain that lasts 3 or more months, which is either sudden or gradually worsening. It can be traced between the scrotum and the anus, the penis, the scrotum, the centre of the lower abdomen or the lower back. It may be localized or extended throughout the pelvic region. Pain in the penis and/or urethra may occur during urination, which is often more common than normal, urgent, weak or intermittent. Very common also is the onset of pain during or after ejaculation – another reason why patients avoid sexual intercourse. Because the condition is not tolerated because of the pain and inflammation it causes and the effects it has on their lives, therapeutic options have been investigated in recent years that could help them to get rid of it. Chronic prostatitis, however, is still a mystery, both diagnostic and therapeutic. Due to its vague etiology there is no standard of treatment. Antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and various other medicines ( alpha inhibitors, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are used, given their efficacy (according to studies) in the treatment of symptoms. In addition, treatments such as electromagnetic therapy, electro-acupuncture, thermal therapy, percutaneous nerve stimulation and endoprostatic Botox are included in second-line treatments. Treatment with low frequency shock waves is a method used over 4 decades to treat pain reduction of soft molecules and increase blood supply. Today it is successfully used in people with erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease. In nearly 15 years used in patients with chronic prostatitis it has been shown to be an effective and reliable method, as it improves urination symptoms, erectile function and quality of life in those who do not respond to other treatments. “Some of the treatments are not effective or are very invasive, which can lead to side effects. Impact waves are increasingly chosen, because it is a simple and non-invasive method of treating the symptoms of chronic prostatitis. It is a safe and almost painless process, during which the patient feels little stings in the treated area. Angiogenesis, improvement of blood flow, tissue regeneration and reduction of inflammation achieved by their application leads to rapid pain relief and gradual decongestion. The most important thing, however, is that it is a safe method, which does not cause side effects and its effects last – a method that ultimately improves the psychology, sexual and social life of patients”, concludes Dr.

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