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(Title) series of problems and deficiencies in hospitals in Thessaloniki found on touring band, the party organization Thessaloniki (Orchestra), the Communist Party.
The member of the Communist Party of Thessaloniki , Angelos Tzekos, and secretary of the Communist Party Orchestra, Zissis Lymperidis, denounced today as the first and main reason for the situation in public hospitals is that they “have become a business with only concern is to increase revenue and profits from policy pursued and continues to be followed by government, DL, LAOS, EU and IMF “.
They called for full coverage of hospitals and health centers by hiring all necessary personnel, all branches and disciplines working relationship with a permanent, full and exclusive employment, 5 days, 6 hours, and a maximum of 30 hours a week, call for physicians to fully cover all needs.
demanding global government, a compulsory insurance system and pension to 60 years for men, women at 55 and 55-50 respectively in heavy unhealthy.
called on all those affected by the state public health to join the strike has launched the GO Wednesday, June 23 concentration and strike the same day the Statue of Venizelos, Aristotle Street at 10.30 am.
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Fight for your right (to party)
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The Decadence of American Conservatism: The Religious Right Gets it Wrong pangeaprogress.blogspot.com A modern American Christian is altogether a different creature than the original faithful in ancient Palestine. This is a rather straight point but the fact that these people who claim to know and represent this Jesus cannot even think on this is a sign of the bankruptcy and intellectual dishonesty of this unexamined movement. It lacks “metacognition” the ability to think about itself in context and instead relys on the narrow limitations of its immediate surroudings. The decadence of American conservatism is that it has traded away its internal integrity for a play at power to force a standard of living on others that it fails to uphold in its own homes and congregations. It resembles not the historical Jesus or the New Testament version but a Jesus that is somehow an english speaking American that revels in power politics and money making schemes. Charlatans and political power lead the way to the frugal and passive Nazarene? One of the ironies of the Bush political system and use of the religious right is that its master mind is an agnostic by the name of Karl Rove. The hypocrisy is there to see but there is also another injustice. The murder of wisdom for the sake of the appearance of morality. So much wisdom is censored in the cause of this puritan instinct that aims to hide from human reality and break the mirrors that reflect ugly truths. To the christianist the … Video Rating: 4 / 5