“Holy” was the 3 year old’s hand, which was trapped in an elevator high-rise building – is being treated at the Καραμανδάνειο

Out of danger he is in Καραμανδάνειο Children’s Hospital of Patras…
the 3 year old who on the afternoon of holy Thursday was seriously injured when her arm was trapped in the door, elevator, high-rise building in the area of Αγυιάς.
In accordance with information of the tempo24,gr, the minor in addition to a fracture to the finger, it does not appear currently to be facing a problem, however tomorrow will be introduced preventively to the surgery in order for doctors to determine if it has been “tampered with” the tendon.
The estimates indicate that the health situation of the 3χρονης not of concern.
The incident happened when according to sources, the little girl accompanied by her father who was holding her by one arm, walked to the elevator and in a matter of seconds – under suspicious circumstances – the other end of the “found” in the door!
Immediately alerted the Fire Service men, which rushed to the spot and they set up a company extrication. The 3 year old was taken to Hospital by ambulance or EMS.
Maria Παπαγιαννακοπούλου