Herpes zoster: What are the early symptoms, who is at risk?

Herpes zoster is caused by virus VZV, which also causes the chickenpox. After the initial infection, usually in childhood, the herpes virus zoster remains…
dormant in nerve cells for many years and can resurface at any time, for example due to weakening of the immune system.
Since the herpes zoster accompanied by severe pain and is associated with complications, such as neuralgia or loss of vision, we need to know the early symptoms to be dealt with as directly as possible.
The pain is usually the first symptom marking the outbreak of herpes zoster, according to the Mayo Clinic. For some, this pain is very potent and depending on the exact point of manifestation, interpreted many times misdiagnosed as a symptom of other complications, for example heart, lung or kidney. The pain does not manifest itself necessarily in combination with the characteristics of a rash of herpes, and can cause numbness, itching or burning sensation locally.
The rash of herpes usually appear en masse, forming a stripe on one side of the torso, neck or face. In a period of 1-5 days, the rashes develop into blisters and gradually shrink and disappear in 7-10 days.
Other early symptoms of herpes zoster is the feeling of fatigue, muscle pain, headache, nausea and fever. The symptoms last a total of 2 to 4 weeks.
For the treatment of pain, doctors recommend non-prescription painkillers, while not excluded, the treating physician to provide a prescription for antiviral medication.
People who have been infected by the HIV virus, patients undergoing therapy for the treatment of cancer, those who have undergone transplantation and persons who are experiencing increased stress are more susceptible to crises of herpes zoster.