Heraklion: Municipality freezes notification of fines for arbitrary

The municipality of Heraklion seeks a new path to solving problems with the city. What did the mayor of Alexis Summer… The decision to freeze the notification of fines to owners of arbitrary buildings and to ask the Ministry of the Environment to proceed with a final settlement arrangement, announced the mayor of Heraklion Alexis Kalokerinos, following a meeting with Deputy Mayor of Urban Planning Stella Archontaki-Kalogerakis. “We understand the problem and our aim is the owners of the category of arbitrary buildings 5, where the fines for erection and maintenance are excessive, (up to EUR 1,000,000), to be able to join a settlement arrangement,” says Mayor Alexis Kalokerinos in a statement. He added that “we are asking the Ministry of the Environment, a last chance for all those who for various reasons, such as pandemic, natural disasters, etc., lost this possibility. We hope that this will be heard, but until we have the final configuration of the landscape, the Municipality of Heraklion is not going to go on sending fines.”