Helen Foureira at 5 Minutes Mum: The ‘fall’ breast and the ‘hair loss’

With a hilarious video or on her side she proved that she has talent in acting and can self-crazy. Eleni Foureira was found in one of Helena Charalamboudi’s videos, known as 5 Minute Mum and referred to… motherhood. The 5 Minute Mum has become known to internet users as it satirizes mothers in a unique way in various aspects of everyday life… In the new video mommies gather in a mamadogrupp and suddenly the “poor” mom Fureira enters. In the video description he writes: “No, really, imagine having gathered in the group of moms named THETIC BREPHUS AND MOTHER and having Helen Foureira come in. And start sharing that experience of motherhood. And say that she’s sleeping, and she’s not sleeping. That her hair has fallen after breastfeeding and lost her elasticity. And imagine being in this group the alternative, sweet mama-girl and mommy with the four kids who just went there to sleep and can’t really see behind the picture. When motherhood pops you, we all have the same issues. And most of the time we can’t tell behind the picture these problems. But there are. Women. Be strong. Above all true. We thank Mother of all of us, the deity @foureira who came and shared her truth and gave us strength to continue for but 100 years this channel. We love you.” Watch the video: See this post on Instagram. The video was released on the occasion of the Woman’s Day

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