Heighten the suspense for the unpaid employees of the Mega – On 27 July the trial

On the 27th of July 2016 has been set as the hearing date of the application for interim measures of unpaid workers in the Mega…
The communication of the law firm representing workers says:
Today, 21 July 2016, has been discussed in the district Court of Athens, the request for a temporary order for 124 employees (journalists and technical) of the station MEGA CHANNEL, owned by the company ΤΗΛΕΤΥΠΟΣ A.E. (who were represented by our firm), with which they claimed the provisional award of part of the these accrued earnings, as well as the prohibition of any change in the legal and actual situation of each asset of the company, in order to ensure their claims.
Following the above discussion, and despite the fierce dispute, the Court accepted the above legal and honest demands, setting as a date of our application for interim measures on 27 July 2016.
We believe that this is the first and decisive step towards the vindication of the πολύμηνου struggle of the workers of the station, who for months are struggling to keep their jobs, and the station on the battlements of the media.