Head, the unknown risk for little kids

Fears that children are at high risk of brain damage from the head butt with a soccer ball express, the scientists…
The reason for the investigation was the fact that three of the heroes of England in the World Cup of 1966 were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, with some suggesting that for this development the fault of the game.
Scientists discovered that the nervous system of children is not so well protected as that of adults as it is in a development phase.
Children also have a larger head in relation to the body, which means that their brain is more likely to be “moved” inside their skull, causing “minor damage”, which over time can become swollen.
“The neck muscles of children are still under development. If you hit on the head, and the muscles are not so strong then your head will move and the same thing will happen in your brain,” explains the neuroscientist Michael Grey from the university of Birmingham.
Already in the U.S., the head-butting has been banned in the U.S. since last November, it was found that in one year, were reported nearly 50,000 incidents reported for high school students who were playing football.

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