The great family of Παναχαϊκής lost his most ardent fan and history-a founding member of the…
League Of Fans ‘ “K. ΔαβουÏλής”, Vassilis Theodoropoulos after a heart attack heart. Bill had devoted all his life to his favorite team while there had been a great footballer of Genius ΟβÏυάς the decade 1970-1980.
The Funeral will γίενι noon, Σάββατου 2 January at 3 pm.m. the Holy Temple of the Dormition in ΟβÏυά.
In a relevant announcement of the Ligament Fans Παναχαϊκής “K. ΔαβουÏλής” referred to, inter alia, the following:
“The†Buck†leaves in the terrestrial life, his family, relatives and all of us his friends taking the love of us all.
We the daily of friends who all had a good reason, we know that the separation that is temporary.
Why Claus as long as, and to be prepared to accept the death, finally απεδειχθη with you, I work απÏοετοιμαστο, and this morning he fell like lightning to all of us when they learned the news of you.
Tomorrow (today) noon to 3 pm.m. in the church of ΟβÏυας will be there to tell you how much σ’αγαπησαμε and how important a friend you’ve been all these years since we formed the Link the beloved of your team, and to κατευοδοσουμε in your big trip.”
He was suddenly gone from the life of the “Buck”, the most ardent fan of the Παναχαϊκής