He was suddenly gone from the life of the “Buck”, the most ardent fan of the Παναχαϊκής

The great family of Παναχαϊκής lost his most ardent fan and history-a founding member of the…
League Of Fans ‘ “K. Δαβουρλής”, Vassilis Theodoropoulos after a heart attack heart. Bill had devoted all his life to his favorite team while there had been a great footballer of Genius Οβρυάς the decade 1970-1980.
The Funeral will γίενι noon, Σάββατου 2 January at 3 pm.m. the Holy Temple of the Dormition in Οβρυά.
In a relevant announcement of the Ligament Fans Παναχαϊκής “K. Δαβουρλής” referred to, inter alia, the following:
“The” Buck” leaves in the terrestrial life, his family, relatives and all of us his friends taking the love of us all.
We the daily of friends who all had a good reason, we know that the separation that is temporary.
Why Claus as long as, and to be prepared to accept the death, finally απεδειχθη with you, I work απροετοιμαστο, and this morning he fell like lightning to all of us when they learned the news of you.
Tomorrow (today) noon to 3 pm.m. in the church of Οβρυας will be there to tell you how much σ’αγαπησαμε and how important a friend you’ve been all these years since we formed the Link the beloved of your team, and to κατευοδοσουμε in your big trip.”