Has 50 0ργασμούς the day! And yet… suffering

The 22-year-old Amanda says that it is “torture”. Living feeling constantly sexual stimulation may not…
it sounds distasteful to many, but for 22-year-old Amanda Gryce is a pain in the ass.
The young woman claims that it has destroyed her life, as she has continuous orgasms, which can be caused by anything imaginable, such as… the loud music, a path, in a car or even when the phone is ringing!

Yes, orgasms are not aware of place and… can happen everywhere! When with her friends even when she works in a shop with baby items.
Amanda suffers from the syndrome of Persistent Sexual are over-challenged there Syndrome (PSAS), which occurred when he was just 8 years old.
While it is very rare affects a lot of people who suffer from it.
A year ago, the 39-year-old Gretchen Molannen from Florida committed suicide because he couldn’t stand living like this anymore.

He had lived with this syndrome for 16 years!
Amanda had a hard time to admin the news. The same is forced many times to masturbate up to 15 times a day to… relieve himself.
“It’s not pleasant. It’s just torture. This situation is in complete control of your life and it’s like a nightmare.
I may have up to 50 orgasms in one day and five or ten within an hour. I feel great shame, especially when it happens to me in a public place. It kills me on the inside. You just have to pretend, to smile and look like nothing’s wrong. The orgasm is supposed to be a nice feeling, but to me it causes fear and shame,” she said.

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