Hacker “stole” 272 million. e-mail address and “sold” to a company in exchange for…

Young hacker managed to steal data from 272 million. e-mail accounts, including Gmail, as announced by the …
security company Hold Security, the Wisconsin of united states.
This time the hackers targeted users mainly from Russia. A total hit 57 million. accounts from the provider mail.ru other 40 million. from Yahoo, 33 million. from Hotmail, 24 cm. from Gmail and a million other yet, as reported protothema.gr.
The hacker then boasted in a forum on the “achievement” and that he could sell the data. The company Holden with employees who speak fluent Russian came in contact with him and told him that she couldn’t pay him, but would have offered him a zillion “likes” on social media in return if he gave her the data!
The hacker, who is believed to be very young, agreed. As announced by the company, no one can check if the mail belongs to those who were hacked. According to the experts, it is very important that someone with multiple accounts to have each time a different password so as not to easily fall victim to hacking.

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