H statement of Manolis Sfakianakis: “If I didn’t have the support of the Prime minister, I would have been…”

“If I didn’t have the confidence, the support of the prime minister and the love…
of the world, I would have been αποστρατεύσει” says the major-general of the EL.NES. Manolis Sfakianakis.
“I’m a soldier, not a soldier. I’m a major-general and, as they did with other colleagues, you should have called to tell me to move it. If they did, I would accept immediately my transfer in the Industry of Administrative Support and Human Resources. Now why have I been called? They told me: ‘I’ll be assistant chief of staff, and I accepted it willingly” he says to the Free Press of Sunday, the, until recently, head of the Electronic Crime.
It is recalled that in the recent award by the Academy of Athens for his work, mr. Sfakianakis was originally announced that moves to the Branch Administrative Support.
In the midst of reactions and critical in the face of the statements by the deputy minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Tosca, it became known that remains in the Prosecution of computer Crime.
Finally undertakes the assistant chief of staff, lt-gen fart feathers Tsirigotis, and supervisor of Electronic Crime.