Guardian: Fears of a spike in violence in Greece of refugees

Fears of a general insurrection of the refugees, for an ignition that can take uncontrollable dimensions, expresses the…
Guardian in his article on the dimensions that it takes the Refugee in Greece.
The british newspaper reports that fears are growing in Athens for the practicality of the implementation of the agreement with Turkey, which has already caused concern for its legitimacy. At the same time, indicate that the islands have become places of “ignition”, by reason of the events in Chios and the “escape” of 800 refugees from the detention centre.
“We expect violence. Desperate people tend to be violent,” says the Observer the representative of the coordinating body for the refugee, Giorgos Kyritsis. “The whole philosophy of the agreement is to prevent trafficking in human beings in Europe, from the Turkish coasts, but it will be difficult and we strive to use a gentle approach. Are people who have fled from the war. They’re not criminals,” adds the same.
One day before the application of the agreement on the return, from Monday to Wednesday are expected to leave 750 people from Lesbos to Dikili writes the Guardian, shows that Frontex has not sent the necessary personnel to oversee the business. Eight vessels, Frontex will carry those who are being held in the Greek islands and have been selected for deportation, after fast-track hearings for asylum.
But, from the 2.300 officials, who promised to send the EU in Greece, just 200 have been reached, as mr Kyritsis. “We are still waiting for lawyers and translators that should have been sent. Even the staff of the Frontex has not arrived yet,” he adds. But the humanitarian aid that was destined for Greece has been delayed.
At the same time, the refugees have risen in their desperation, as in Chios. “If you force me to go back to Turkey, I will fall with my family to the sea,” says the AFP Mustafa, a Syrian who is waiting with his wife and children, in the port of Chios. “We went from hell, to hell,” he adds.
“That’s what happens when you have 30 police officers for the guarding of 1,600 refugees, who are determined to leave”, says the Guardian Benjamin Julian, an Icelandic volunteer who is located in Chios, commenting on the “escape” of the refugees from the detention centre. “All the time shouting “freedom” and “not Turkey”. That’s what they want and are determined to succeed,” he adds.

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