Funds’ role in Greek drama examined On January 28, a cloudy, drizzly day in Athens, Goldman Sachs played host to a hotchpotch group of 10 clients at the Grande Bretagne, a palatial belle epoque hotel overlooking Syntagma square and the old royal palace, now the home of the Vouli, the Greek parliament. At dinner on the rooftop with an unimpeded panorama of the Acropolis as the backdrop the clients; 10 bankers, asset managers and hedge fund analysts, ruminated on the future of the Greek economy and of course, how to make money from it. General Strike Greece mass strike eurozone Athens yt:stretch=16:9 Government nationwide strike Greek Crisis Western World Bloomberg Bond Market News Budget Credit Crunch Economic Monetary Union English Multimedia Euro Members Europe European Markets Government Bonds Bonds And Protests From Greece To California US Justice Department probing euro attacks – report US Said to Tell Hedge Funds to Save Euro RecordsReport: Feds review hedge funds’ euro trading
Greece Crisis Strike (05_03_2010).wmv