Government sources: No agreement was signed between Greece – Ukraine during the visit of Mitsotakis to Odessa

‘ No agreement was signed between Greece and Ukraine during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to », they clear government sources. The G7 team last July adopted a joint declaration supporting Ukraine’s security in the long term, to which both the EU and its Member States have joined. Following this Declaration the EU is discussing an EU-Ukraine security support agreement with Kiev. Our country, like the other EU Member States, is discussing bilaterally with Ukraine. These discussions aim to strengthen Ukraine’s resilience in all areas, namely economy, reconstruction, energy, civil protection, humanitarian aid, heritage protection, internal reforms, cybersecurity etc. These discussions are part of a multifaceted support for Ukraine and its accession process. France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark have agreed. Finland, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic countries are negotiating. New communication Mitsotakis – Zelensky New communication with the president of Ukraine had the Prime Minister as he mentioned to . Kyriakos Mitsotakis points out, among other things, that his visit to Odessa showed even more the urgent need to intensify our assistance. Earlier with his posting Volondimir Zelenski said all the PM’s post “I spoke with Volondimir Zelenski before today’s discussions at the European Council on Ukraine. Greece will continue to support Ukraine. My visit to Odessa further showed the urgent need to intensify our help. It is good to see Ukraine making steady progress towards EU membership.” Watch the post I spoke with a head of today’s discussions on Ukraine. Greece will continue to support Ukraine. My visit to Odessa impressed upon me even more the functionality of stepping up our assist. I am glad to see Ukraine making career progress towards EU membership. — Prime Minister GR (@PrimeministerGR) Earlier, and arriving for the work of the European Council the Prime Minister had said referring to Ukraine: “I want to repeat once again that the European family remains united in the support it gives Ukraine in order to be able to defend itself against the outright Russian invasion. These issues, however, have brought to the table of the debate even more intensively the way in which Europe can effectively guarantee its strategic autonomy. This actually means more investment in equipment.” If Europe really wants to remain defensive, it should consider new ways to finance defence expenditure. I am referring to the possibility of issuing Eurobonds which will be used solely for its defence. — Prime Minister GR (@PrimeministerGR) And go on: “Greece is already a country, which has for many decades exceeded the 2% limit of defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP, which unfortunately does not happen for other European countries. But it is quite clear that if Europe really wants to remain defensive, it should consider new ways to finance defence spending. And here I refer specifically to the possibility for Europe to be able to issue Eurobonds, which will be used solely for its defence. The time has come for us to be able to effectively surround the very ambitious debates we are having on Europe’s need at European level to be able to ensure the defence and security of all European citizens. And I hope that today’s Council will be an opportunity to begin a meaningful debate on these issues.”