Giannis Ragousis: “Of course a perjury government can be fraudulent”

The statement by the SYRIZA executive and former Interior Minister that “an affidavit government can make”, stressing that “anyone who submits a motion of censure wants an election.” Speaking to SKAI on Thursday morning (28.03.24) and asking if “is there a government capable of making fraud” in the election, Giannis Ragousis replied: “a government of perjury, which I do not want to believe such a government exists in Greece, of course it can, what is difficult to think? We rely on the fact that until now fortunately after ’74 there has been no adjudicating government’. It is noted that the statements of Giannis Ragousis come following the request of SYRIZA President Stefanos Kasselakis to hold elections under the supervision of international observers. “I will tell you my personal opinion: if it were not established in our country every time it goes to national elections to be appointed a service minister Internally, this government has lost all confidence so that if we hadn’t established it we should have invented it. No one can have confidence in a government that dared to organize a wiretap circuit from a government that I have no doubt is involved in altering the stationmaster’s talks. I can’t determine the level. The Interior Minister is decisive when elections are held and we will have international OSCE observers as is done in all OSCE member countries,” he said.