“Get these weird tingling sensations in both hands? What is the most likely cause

The hands are the part of the body that we use more, for this and any pain or other symptom motivates us directly…
How it manifests itself
Burning sensation, itching, tingling or numbness in the palm and in the fingers (especially the thumb, index and middle).
The symptoms occur in one or both hands during the night, and rise to tingling during the day.
The handle may be weak and the sufferer feels a sharp pain through the wrist and arm in certain positions.

Most likely cause
The most likely cause is carpal tunnel syndrome. The tube is formed by the bones of the wrist and contains tendons and a nerve. Activities that involve repetitive, monotonous movements, such as the use of a computer, painting, etc. can lead to the appearance of.
The exercises of the wrist (min.x. blink of the fist with power and relaxation alternately) and the pain killers may help.
If the symptoms are severe you may require anti-inflammatory, while in the more severe cases required surgical treatment.

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