Georgiades: The government will vote on everything, cuts to pensions and tax-free

As for the delay in the…
evaluation is always the worst, said the vice-president of ND, Adonis Georgiadis, speaking on the radio station of the Athenian / Macedonian News Agency “Agency 104,9 Fm”, and added: “the solution for the Europeans it’s a technique, that is, to make the math work. To us is when the government will decide to bring the measures to the house,” said mr. Georgiadis.
“Mr. Tsipras must stop the words internal consumption and to bring the measures that will be hard, since you have been through and tax-exempt and pension cuts,” said the vice-president of the SOUTHWEST and has, in fact, that will be voted on by SYRIZA-ANEL. “I believe that the government will vote on everything, vote all and, with cuts to pensions and tax-free. The members will vote for you all, because I don’t want to lose power,” argued the Adonis Georgiades.
“If you shut down the evaluation with the Kangaroo, the measures will be less, mr. Tsipras is a problem for the assessment because of a lack of reliability. So all the targets they put a 30% over”, said mr. Georgiadis and featured as a destructive part of the negotiation Alexis Tsipras. “The catastrophic context, it is Tsipras, the measures are subject to change if the world wants to pay 30% on the feet let’s vote for Tsipras” stressed mr. Georgiadis.
Referring to the issue of investment, the vice president of the SOUTHWEST said that the investment in Greek would have had to start before 5 months and still there has been no step, as well as the director of forest service doesn’t put a signature to begin the project while the government does not do anything. “This sees the IMF and what says Thomsen: “everything you had budgeted (revenue from investment – development), the government , there are no so take measures,” said mr Georgiades.
Asked about the target of the primary surplus responded: “3.5% of GDP is crazy, it’s the wrong goal. But when they expire, the elections ( in european countries) and the Greek government has done its job and the economy has to start, then will lower. But now what they say get to 3.5% to make the math and you do what you have to do and you will see it,” he noted.
However, mr. Georgiadis has estimated that the country has returned to the uncertainty and that in 2017 we will be lacking and money. “Why are we called, to close the assessment in December, as delays in the evaluation is always the worst, only grows the account. Ever, seven years, no prime minister took a better assessment of delaying,” he said among other things the vice-president of the SW.
“The big damage was done on the 25th of January of 2015, now we would not be in a memorandum” rated mr Georgiadis and wondered if we have the requirement of the $ 80 billion of damage made by mr Tsipras, to pay for the European citizen. We, the Greek citizens will pay for,” concluded mr Georgiadis.