George Daskalakis: the Whole truth about the departure of the shape

The popular singer after months of success on the side…
the Themis Αδαμαντίδη and Angela Dimitriou, revealed that he will not continue with them, thanking and public the operator of the night club for the beautiful cooperation.
The people applauded while the artist does not hide his emotions after the beautiful collaboration had come to an end, due to other planned artistic things that had arranged!
Before you even shake hands with the business had closed some concerts in Germany and in other foreign cities, which, unfortunately, could not cancel. The new album roof has closed a series of appearances in all the MEDIA all over Greece for the promotion of his new song “the opposite Was true” in the lyrics of Stamatis Gonidis and music of Constantine Παντζή, that will make music “premiere on 21 May. These were the reasons I had to Giorgos Daskalakis to withdraw from the successful shape, as you can see everyone working in the store but the businessman, waved good-bye to excited on Sunday morning.

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