‘ Children are the greatest adventure anyone can have” he also stressed. Both in his personal life and in the artistic and recognition of the actors, Giorgos Christodoulou was told, honestly, in the interview he gave to the camera of the show “Better not done” and Natalia Argyrakis on Saturday afternoon on Alpha. “Children are indeed the greatest adventure one can have. Our older son, I think, is starting to understand the work a little bit. He also saw a kid on TV that explained what an actor is. I say to him “you now understand what Mom and Dad do:”, “yes, the actors are the ones who lie as truth” he replied” he admitted, initially, the well-known actor. “The people we are exposed to as actors, for me, are very scary. I understand that someone can admire you momentarily, especially when it comes to television, you’re the best, and then you’re the worst. If you choose to make art to be loved by the public, something I believe you have lost.” “The reporter’s role in “The wreck” I like because the screenwriter does not make everything rosy in this work. Although he expresses an idealist journalist, we see that there are dark areas and in this work” George Christodoulou then stressed on the entertainment show of Natalia Germanou. .
George Christodoulou: My son thinks actors are the ones who lie.
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