George Καραμίχος: “I don’t know what happens next. I might come back…”

George Καραμίχος has interacted with world-renowned actors. How was the contact with them? It is true that this…
range the actors don’t have a trace of snobbery, as many of the local star?
“With James World, we have a very good relationship and spiritual affinity, and which is exactly the opposite of a snob. But people are people everywhere. There are abroad all sorts of “fruits” and all kinds of behaviors. Usually the “freak” is the result of insecurity and fears that we refuse to deal with it. It is very easy when you consider that you get up somewhere high to be in danger to cut the thread and floating like ανερμάτιστος kite. Fortunately, in Greece, most teachers and actors with whom I work are engaged with their work and not with their image,” he pointed at the TV Kous Kous.
Professional consider that the return in Greece is “turning back”to you?
“I don’t know what happens next. Can and back. No, not the back. Setback there is practically no on the basis of the scientists, since the time is compact, so there is no before and after. If one considers that it constantly tests, then yes can consider it a failure when it gives the same lessons many times. Fortunately, years ago I feel that I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, only to live and to exist, responsible for my joy and my mistakes. Importance to me he no longer has to go but to go somewhere and even if you have never been to the point where you’re going, if you keep it in you flow, then each time the landscape offers new dimensions and reasons. The situation in our country is very difficult, mainly due to the irresponsibility and lack of education, but I hope soon to focus again the world in creativity, and not the “others” to blame.”
And if you got back your requirements would be bigger?
“I still don’t make any important progress on the outside or inside to feel that my demands have been diversified. My perspective is obviously changing and evolving daily, as all of the people but it’s up there.”