G. Papakonstantinou: POSITIVE FIRST DATA ON THE DEFICIT IN HALF … his ass bass STATEMENTS AND SPREADS THE fall in the light of new loans

Image by rafeejewell

(Title) The data for the first half of 2010 show that the goal of deficit reduction is achieved, said Minister of Finance, G. Papakonstantinou, speaking Economists in Pasco. As stated in the second half of the year will begin showing the first results of development.
The Minister stressed that the majority of the reforms, as the new tax, the “Kallikrates, the release of closed professions and a sustainable social security system should have been done for years and just postponed. As stated features “to not put on under the carpet”.
Expressed optimism about achieving the objectives of the Greek project, and added that although they have made major steps, the work is just beginning and each disbursement of the loan Should the country to implement specific commitments.
Finally, he appeared confident that the second half will prove the first results in the development sector and the international media has already changed attitudes towards Greece.

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