Froze on SYRIZA for the poll – SHOCK – What happens next…

I don’t περέμεναν to SYRIZA, the difference with SW is 10 units-result σφυγομέτρησης of the University of Macedonia…
They considered that in the worst case the lead of the SOUTHWEST to be αντιμετωπίσημο and transient.
The κλιμά in the Maximos Mansion and Κουμμουνδούρου is heavy to mournful. This conclusion makes one when conversing with members of the ruling party.
As for the independent greeks of Panos Kammenos, a member of which spoke to the TELEGRAM , things are even worse, and what is now cook is a possible movement of the Panos Kammenos on the ballot State of SYRIZA and settling some of the sealant of the Panos in the future SYRIZA….
In Greece, the decline of values and ideologies it’s all happening FINALLY…

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