From tomorrow the applications for the internet consultancy workshops of the IPPA

Following the large response of citizens to online e-group counseling and preparation for entry into the labour market, it continues its action in April with 22 workshops and the addition of new thematic modules. The E-Labours of DYPA have two new thematic modules that will employ more unemployed. Those who seek or want to change jobs can attend workshops from specialized executives in the following thematic modules: How to create an effective CV How to prepare properly for an interview What are the steps for a successful business idea? How to create a business plan Social networks in job search The success of a business through the CANVAS tool (new theme) I enrich my resume with skills – I learn about ESCO (new theme) Interested parties can participate tomorrow, Friday, March 29th at its address. A limited number of posts (up to 50 persons) will be held in each laboratory for a duration of 2 hours and a strict priority will be respected according to the date of submission of the participation. The platform will remain open until the positions are filled by laboratory. Interested parties may declare participation in more than one laboratory if they so wish. The aim of the workshops is to prepare for their faster and effective integration into the labour market. Participants are informed and activated in search of an appropriate job and/or can develop their own business, as well as enhance their employability through an effective biographical, preparation for interviews with businesses and the appropriate use of professional social media. For more information visit her website.