Freedom, Justice, Education, Employment, …. Republic!

“…. the legislation without the approval of the institution’s unilateral action and is contrary to what has been agreed“…
(referred to the Commission, on the 21st of April 2016, in a letter and Mail it to the Greek government). In a few words reveals a bitter truth that, if you deliberately ignore, describes crudely the situation in which we find ourselves as a people and country. The country is enslaved, and while it is forbidden to legislate, is forced to import and apply foreign law.
It is now a matter of complete indifference whether the governments that manage poverty and perpetual debt at the behest of moneylenders, coming from the left, the right or the devil himself. Nothing’s going to change Greece for the better, as long as this is under German occupation and, indeed, the basis of such loan agreements, and is not only immoral and inhuman, as to their content, but illegal and unfair, after the spirit that governs them, it allows the parties to the perpetration of war crimes, in peacetime, in order to achieve the objectives that have been agreed.
The debt, the selling off of the country, extortion and threats due to the respective assessments, the loss of national sovereignty and constitutional legitimacy, the over-taxation, austerity, immigration, the unaccountability of the banks, the impunity, the humiliation of the Germans, the political instability and social unrest will go from bad to worse as long as we are governed by the descendants of the Nightmare and the Τσολάκογλου. The problem is not that the genocidal, the corrupt and the thieves are still free among us, but that they are entitled to decide about the destinies of the present and of our future.
What options has the people, when it is expressly forbidden to defend, by the ballot box, the national identity, faith, roots, fundamental rights, family, home, livelihood and dignity?
The complaint of the debt and the memoranda, the restoration of the independence of the state and its institutions, the punishment of the guilty, the return of stolen, the prevention of any attempt at colonization, islamization and partition of the Greek territory, forcing Germany to repay its debts, the restoration of relations between society and state, the creation of a climate of confidence in the market and the existence of a vision based solely on the forces and the will of the people, is possible only under the condition that the governance of the country will pass into Greek hands. Only Greeks with a courage and virtue, that they have experienced in their own skin the inhumanity of mnemonics barbarism, is in a position to come to a rupture with the system.T.E. and the interests of the IV German Reich.
All people want now for freedom, justice, education, labor, and democracy and no party, or (and) German army, under the mantle of Frontex, not to impose anything, much less that which is against his will.
The horror, experienced by the Greek in his everyday life, must have an end. The freedom, the fatherland, justice, rights and democracy that are lost by force, not retrieved in some other way.
We left the words, the personal ambitions and grudges aside and resist the German occupation, as provided for in the Constitution of Greece. We are striving to live with dignity and as truly free people.
We honor the memory of thousands of our fellow human beings who have been sacrificed by the regime to be the Huns richer and the power of the soul of the millions of unemployed, homeless, uninsured and needy of our fellow citizens, who not only succumb but survive and at the same time to make dreams for tomorrow, their dawning.
Let’s unite us, that separated us.
Panos Γιαννακουλόπουλος
New Friendly Company
