“The new networking and extroversion organisation will take flesh and blood over the next three months,” announced from the step of the annual conference of the Pan-Hellenic Exporters Association, the Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Extroversion. As Mr.Francogiannis has done, the organization will be the Greek global network for the connection of Greek youth entrepreneurship with the global centres of economy, entrepreneurship and innovation, in order to identify opportunities and create stable long-term relationships. At the same time, according to what the Deputy Minister said, the new body: It will promote Greece as an emerging hub of innovation and entrepreneurship by attracting international attention and recognition, placing the country on the global map of innovation and strengthening its image, It will connect the members of the organization with global investment funds, offering access to funding, with a view to maintaining the corporate headquarters in Greece and strengthening national development. Mr. Fragoyannis also mentioned the importance of Economic Diplomacy and Extroversion to promote business activities, while he noted that according to the new National Strategic Extroversion Plan, 632 actions are planned, of which 327 are about exports, and participation in exhibitions around the world is planned. Already, as he noted, in 2024, he started dynamically with three business missions in Turkey, Serbia and India, while business missions are planned in Germany, the Western Balkans, the Baltic countries, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt as well as in West African countries. Platform for networking Greek and foreign suppliers and buyers “The creation of a platform for networking Greek and foreign suppliers and buyers, which will enable buyers to see the seasonal availability of each product and choose producers or suppliers, is part of our immediate plans,” concluded the Deputy Minister. It also referred to a series of actions relating to infrastructure for the promotion of exports and investments, in the transport and supply chain along the trade routes from north to south, from west to east, such as the construction of the pan-European motorway “Diadromos X”, which starts in Salzburg and ends in Thessaloniki and Piraeus, through Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Budapest, and the modernisation of the railway line linking Thessaloniki, Skopje and Belgrade to central Europe, etc. In the welcome text sent to the conference, Minister for Rural Development and Food, Lefteris Avgenakis, stressed that “the more the Greek economy grows, the greater the flexibility of the state to support the primary sector in practice, as demonstrated by recent support measures towards our farmers.” The Minister noted that the deepening of our trade relations with partner countries in the EU, as well as third countries, is the main subject of discussion at bilateral meetings, but also meetings taking place at informal and regular meetings in Europe. Finally, he stressed that incentives are being given to young people in the primary sector. SOURCE: RES-BE
Francoyannis: “The new networking and extroversion operator will be flesh and blood in the next three months”